1) I was below 150 lbs. for about a week during the summer
2) I ran a half-dozen sub-25:00 5Ks on the Winslow Township High School track
3) Successfully coached, trained and wrenched D'Wife to the finish of the 45-mile leg of the MS150. It is testament to her courage and strength that she got up and over the LongPort Bridge
4) Joined Assumption School PTA as "PR Coordinator." That has nothing at all to do with running, but the meetings do require a bit of beer afterwards
With the merger of the Coolrunning.com forums into Active.com, so have the legendary BEER threads migrated.[the link to "Beer Thread 2006 - The Elvis Year" has been updated]Active.com has a funky little points system, I guess with which to gauge participants' participation. I have not been able to find out anywhere on Active.com by what criteria the points are awarded. There may be some algorithm which measures posts you make and posts of yours that are replied to and awards points as such, but I can't find it.I also cannot find any documentation as to what they are worth in the end, either.Anyway ...With the said migration of the BEER threads and a few other silly little ones I created in the defunct Coolrunning.com "Food Court," I was - until just recently - the Big Kahuna of Active.com points earners. In fact, when the BEER threads popped up, LaTortuga - my co-editor - jumped right up to #1 and #2.Currently, we're holding steady at 11,185 and 8,930 points respectively.I can't see my total going much higher, since - for my part - it's no fun participating in the BEER threads without her, MikeMills or therealman.