D'Kid dropped her training wheels in October. We rode every day during Xmas Break ("Daddy, it's 45°, can we take our bikes out?"). I've been finding more and more reasons to ride.
Me: Done.
D'Wife: Done, what?
RM: I took our books, DVDs and stuff back to the library.
DW: Oh, good, thanks. Did you put gas in the car?
RM: No.
DW: Why not?
RM: I took my bike. It's only a mile away.
Me: Done.
D'Wife: Done, what?
RM: I went to the grocery store. I got bread, milk, pasta, and a salad bag.
DW: Oh, good, thanks. Did you put gas in the car?
RM: No.
DW: Why not?
RM: I took my bike. It's only a mile away.
Me: Done
D'Wife: Done, what?
RM: I went to the liquor store. I got some beer for me - Victory HopDevil and a new one, Baltic Thunder - and Ozzie wine for you.
DW: Oh, good, thanks. Did you put gas in the car?
RM: No.
DW: Why not?
RM: I took my bike. It's only a mile away.
DW: What's going on? Are you turning into Team DUI?
["Team DUI" is our term for those unfortunate souls who have lost their driving priviledges and are thereby forced to bicycle commute]
RM: No, I'm not Team DUI. I ride because I want to.
DW: What's the difference? You're still doing errands on your bike.
RM: Team DUI doesn't wear a helmet.
I am not a cyclevangelist, by any means - although that's a really good word - nor am I especially "green" [in fact, I embrace climate change as the great normalizer - the thing humans couldn't stop - plus, after living in Florida, I've always felt cold]. I just like my bike, my bikes. I like to ride, to be outside, especially with a certain fearless 8 year-old who already wants me to build a pump track in our back yard.
That being said, think about the bikey-ness of it all:
With the demise of Heavyweight Brewing [Ocean Township, NJ], many here in the PennJerDel Triangle mourned their loss, most specifically of their "Perkunos Hammer" Imperial Porter.
A Baltic porter brewed in collaboration with Lew Bryson. This style is difficult to find outside of the Baltics. What a shame! The grist consists of lots of Munich malt and some chocolate and other specialty malts. A Bavarian lager yeast is used to create this. Dark and mysterious, subtle and well, it is called the Hammer. For those who care, Perkuno was the Baltic thunder god.
On the East Coast, this was a "gotta have", respected by all BeerGeeks; from Hop-heads to Malt-suckers and everyone in between.
Thankfully, our friends at Victory picked up the ball with Victory Baltic Thunder.
While Heavyweight Brewing deserves credit for introducing the Baltic porter style to many craft beer fans, this beer from Victory represents an all new recipe fashioned on the experience of Tom's original intense brew. One noteworthy difference is the higher alcohol by volume of Baltic Thunder, 8.5% compared to Heavyweight's, which weighed in at 8%.
An additional distinction is Victory's use of black eyed peas in lieu of Roman beans. Despite these changes, this dark lager still features a reminiscent roasted character that embodies the fullness of toffee, along with subtle fruit flavors derived from its higher temperature fermentation. Long, cold aging tempers this complex beer into a well-rounded delight that warms with its significant alcohol strength. The final packaged product will be released in 25.4 fluid ounce bottles.
"The first brew of Baltic Thunder was magical. Tom and his original co-conspirator on the beer, Lew Bryson, even came here to Victory to assist. Then, while sharing a pint of Baltic Thunder off of the lagering tank a few weeks later with Tom, I swear the spirit of his departed Perkuno was smiling upon our accomplishment," continued Covaleski.
This isn't a clone of Perkuno [which I've always had as much trouble pronouncing as "Peralta" - go figure], but it's damn close. I had plenty of Pekuno's at Tun Tavern in AC and regardless of what the numbers say ... The Hammer felt much higher than 8% ABV; and Thunder didn't quite crack my head at 8.5% - in fact I had an "In All There Is?"
But still, it did wonders for my ice-cream headache.
Me First
22 hours ago
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