Wednesday, January 02, 2008

You Say You Want A Res-o-lu-tion?

Simply ...

1] Run, ride or skate every day

Sadly, surfing every day is out of the question. If I could, I would.

D'Kid was born to be a bike-princess.

Future Sprockette?!

Although she didn't drop her training wheels until October, she has jumped to the fore of the neighborhood's two-wheel set. She has declared biking "The best sport ever!!!" [yes, even better than surfing or swimming, because "you can ride a bike any time."] During the Xmas break, she brought me out for an hour ride every afternoon at 3:00. Some days just little loops around the block, but she actually took me out on a couple 6 mile excursions ... not much for a grown-up; but epic for an 8-year old on a single-gear 16" Barbie Special.

1a] Learn to Ollie and some flip tricks.

No Skool cruising and carving is nice, but it really shows my age.

1b] Better accounting of the mileage and "fluid replacement" thereof.

The BEER deficit has got to be much more than 400, although my weight hasn't changed. Go figure.

2] Draw or write every day

Something old; something new; something, anything.

I have plenty of projects in my backlog, some dating back to germs of inspiration 10 years or so ago. I need to clear out the garage, to make room for new projects which Mariel wants me to do.

Plus, you never know what goofy monkey doodle you made during the 2-hour conference call my lead to.

3] Pray the Rosary

One can never pray too much. Rosaries are the best prayers - or collection of prayers. And, in reality, they don't take that much time.

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