Worlds are Colliding!
Some 24 hours from now, give or take 60 minutes or so, a bunch of people who have existed to me only as made-up names, avatars [with maximum size of 160 by 160 pixels], and email addresses, will become real-life living and breathing friends, as we meet at Llloyd Hall in Fairmount Park to run [?] one loop along the Schuylkill River - essentially the back half of the Distance Run - IN THE DARK!!!
This is big. This is huge.
I've never felt so welcomed.
Thanks, gang. I'll see you tomorrow.
Midnight Madness - Prologue >>>
How did it go?
Nya nya - I got my race report on my blog before you got yours on your blog :-)
Hope you had a good time and can't wait to read about it.
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